Earlier, the who has suspended the clinical study on the grounds that was considered insufficiently convincing data on the safety of the drug. “Hydroxychloroquine”, which for many years used for the prevention and treatment of malaria, causes unpleasant side effects: in some patients developing cardiac arrhythmia.

Stopping use of the drug in clinical trials, the who has indicated that they will need to collect more data (in particular, cardiotoxicity of drugs), which could prove that the benefits of its use outweighs the inherent risks.

Now, according to the statements of the head of the who, a special Commission analyzed data on mortality among patients COVID-19 and came to the conclusion that to change the Protocol of clinical trials for no reason.

“the Executive group approved the continuation of clinical trials of all types of drugs in the framework of the program “Solidarity”, including hydroxychloroquine,” said Dr. Ghebreyesus.

while the research does not end early to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of the medication.

In Russia “hydroxychloroquine” was left in temporary Ministry of health recommendations for treatment COVID-19, despite the temporary taboo who. The Ministry confirmed the feasibility of using low doses of the drug for the prevention and treatment of coronavirus infection in some groups of patients with careful control over the condition of the cardiovascular system.

Similar events associated with clinical trials of pharmaceuticals, and are not something exceptional. A few days ago, after successful clinical trials, the Ministry of health of Russia has registered the first Russian antiviral drug against COVID-19 “Avidavit” (active substance – favipiravir). At the same time, the Ministry of health of Japan has suspended clinical research “of Favipiravir”, considering it necessary to collect more data to confirm its safety.