A guest of the event on the occasion of the anniversary of the soloist of group “Ivanushki International” Andrei Grigoriev, Appolonova contracted the coronavirus. About it in stories Instagram said concert Director Ulyana Banana.

She posted a photo of the results of the PCR test for coronavirus.

“the Primary positive is re-examined,” — said in the statement.

In the comments under the last post of concert Director, some members enquired if she was ill COVID-19 after her birthday Grigoryeva-Appolonova.

“no One can say where and when exactly was infected,” replied Banana.

26 Jul Grigoriev-Appolonov turned 50 years old. In this regard, he conducted a large-scale event, which was attended by about 350 stars of the Russian show-business, in particular, singer Olga Buzova and Sasha Savelieva, actress Natalia Rudova and Nastasya Samburski, musician Andrei Makarevich and others. It is known that the organization of one of the Banquet cost the soloist of “Ivanushki-International” in 3,5 million rubles.