In Simferopol so a pair of endangered white-headed vultures for the first time in 20 years of living together brought the chick. This was reported in the Directorate of parks of the Crimean capital.

griffons are creating your pairs for many years, and simferopolskii birds is no exception. They were at the small zoo of the capital of Crimea in the early 2000s, but the offspring they never had. And in February, the watchers noticed that in the nest that the pair had built on the roof of his house, there is the egg, which in turn sit a male and female.

the Appearance of a rare bird in the light coincided with the beginning of the period of isolation when the small zoo was closed to visitors. All this time, the Park staff tried as little as possible to disturb the happy parents and were in no hurry to tell you about the replenishment of the family.

50 days, while the parents incubated the egg, we went near our Pets literally on tiptoe so as not to frighten and not to distract from their main occupation, – said the head of the zoocorner Marina Kovtun. – Why griffons as never was calm. The baby was born at the end of March, but is still in the nest under the care of parents who feed it. Now the diet of birds is strengthened: they give more chicken and beef.

after a month a new representative of red book species will leave the nest and will eat himself.

On the Peninsula this is the second case of occurrence of Griffon vulture chick in captivity. In 2017, such a happy event occurred for the first time in the Yalta zoo. As explained by experts, members of the family of vultures is particularly sensitive not only to conditions but also the atmosphere of the residence.

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Griffon vulture is a very beautiful and rare bird, one of two species of vultures that live in the mountainous South of the Peninsula. According to the latest data, in the Crimea there are not more than 150, so the species listed in the Red book of Russia.