– To us, usually for a short time, get the kids, left without parental care including orphans, abandoned, neglected, consisting on the preventive account, as well as those whose families were in a difficult situation, – tells the Deputy Director of the centre Elena Nikitina. For example, in early may came four children whose house burned down. Mom and dad, who is expecting fifth child, took all next week, as soon as they found suitable accommodation.

the Centre has a capacity of sixty people, but now here late twenties (over a month took three in a separate group). Those who are up to the announcement of the regime of self-isolation could not return home. And those who go nowhere. In children’s homes while not taking anyone. And staff of the rehabilitation center are conducted with the pupils much more time and pay more attention to these children in life it is not enough.

In the absence of attention, understanding and positive examples from adults to adolescents is difficult to adapt to the society. Not to mention the problems with the choice of life. And in Kemerovo the help guys – grant project “Learning to live a new life”. Thanks to him, since last December, and skills necessary for independent living, they get engaged in four of prof-orientation in studios. And before the start of the pandemic have visited with excursions at enterprises and educational institutions of the city. Including the production of underwear, at the College of folk crafts, as well as the restaurant and the hotel. The children bombarded the organizers with questions. When the isolation will end, they both of sale show the production in action.

More than two dozen of our pupils aged from ten to eighteen completed the course “Life orientation”, individual psychological counseling and twice a week in small groups began to learn to cook, sew, and the basics of agronomy and the production of products from bark, – continues the Deputy Director. Especially popular culinary Studio (now working with birch bark and sew fails – no teachers due to the special mode). The guys not only prepare meals, but also plan to purchase products. On the basis of the menu, make a list, get money (for a month or ten thousand), together with the staff go to the store, and then put everything we bought in the fridge. Now, of course, there are a number of amendments to the pandemic. But we still try to keep children as much as possible. And in the classroom they share family experiences, Recalling how prepared pelmeni, okroshka or your lab coat, a grandmother or a mother.

“Snacks” (the culinary Studio is called that way) from aspiring cooks and pastry chefs always getsmiling as treats to the kids from the younger groups. Now in the menu, added fresh herbs, strawberries and vegetables from “teaching” garden. This spring, the center on the family Council brought the question: why not put a couple of greenhouses in the yard? No sooner said than done. The boys tried so hard that rubbed on the palms of the corn. And now the seedlings are already flourishing.

Even the most emotionally reserved 15-17-year-olds do not hide the surprise and joy of the miracle of the birth of the germ to the appearance of the fruit. Happy to care for garden beds, weed, and water, – smiles Elena Nikitina. – And most importantly, they love to communicate with adults who will always listen, advise, help. Sometimes, the child is so difficult life situation, stress and depression did not let go. But after the collective lessons in the kitchen or in the greenhouse it becomes more sociable. And then, because of the isolation the children have to help the teachers with cleaning the body, dishes, floors, also benefits. It drew closer and collaborative educational games. We see that the guys are happy with life. They feel like the best time at home or at summer camp, happy to respond to everything. The youngest girl even started calling one of the employees mom.