the soccer ball is far down on the list, when the German society needs to be opened up after coronakrisen, believes the politician.

It probably has a long wait before the germans can once again flock to football matches in the Bundesliga.

Germany’s best superliga will be something of the past, that may reopen to the public when the German community slowly open up after a temporary shutdown as a result of coronakrisen.

It takes the president of the German liberal party FDP, Christian Lindner.

– We must be very realistic.

– Major events with a large audience, whether it is a concert or a bundesligakamp, will only be possible at a later date, he says to the tv station Sport1.

Oppositionspolitikeren believe that German society should open up in a specific order.

– First production, then can the stores open, the restaurants, and then it will be possible with major events, and the Bundesliga once again. Realistically, it will not be one of the first, says Lindner.

With more than 40,000 spectators on average per match is the Bundesliga one of the most popular leagues in Europe.

the League has been lying fallow since 11. march, and the fighting is provisionally suspended until the end of april.

Earlier in the week told fodboldmediet Kicker, that all 13 of the 36 clubs in Germany’s top two rows are threatened by bankruptcy as a result of the unexpected coronapause.
