“a Temporary procedure for establishment of disability allows to extend the previously established group of disability automatically for six months, and also assign a disability for the first time on the basis of documents from medical institutions without a personal appeal to the Bureau of health social expertise” – said the Minister of labour and social protection of Russia Anton Kotkov.

Recall that this right is granted to Russians on the basis of the decision of the government. For those citizens who have had to undergo re-examination from 1 March to 1 October 2020, disability from the same group is automatically extended for six months. For disabled children who have reached the age of 18 years were to adult group, it is set for six months on the basis of the information of the previous examination. No additional steps are not required for this. Program rehabilitation also extended for six months. It retains all previously recommended rehabilitation activities, including the provision of technical means of rehabilitation.

Those who have been receiving disability for the first time, the examination will be conducted without their personal involvement. The appointment and payment of pensions will be carried out by the FIU and be based on information from the Federal registry of persons with disabilities without additional statements from the citizens, confirmed the Ministry of labor.