Kyshtym dwarf Alexis is not the only anomaly in the Chelyabinsk region. A Cossack and a former investigator of the regional Department of internal Affairs Vladimir Bendlin argues that these places were seen and other mysterious creatures.

According to the Cossack, in the Kyshtym area there is some anomalous zone, where strange things happen. “There is a baby with flippers was born. And were creatures with a vertical pupil, absence of ear lobes, genitalia,” – said Bendlin TV channel “Star”.

as for the known anomalies – the humanoid Aleshenka found in the 1990-ies in the village of Kaolin under the Kyshtym to judge its origin can only specialists, he said.

the Former investigator did not agree with the opinion of a journalist and the author of the film about the humanoid Andrei Loshak, who said that the dwarf existed in fact – supposedly it was a human fetus with mutations, and not an alien creature.

“according to testimony of experts, can a child with such disabilities even born alive”, – said the interlocutor of the channel.

In 1996, a pensioner from the village of Kaolin, suffering from mental illness, was found in a field a 25-centimeter creature like a dwarf. According to the woman, it was constantly making a sound like a whistle. The dwarf was not of primary sex characteristics and the navel.

Soon the humanoid, nicknamed Alexis was killed and his body almost immediately was mummified. When business interested journalists and researchers, the remains of the Kyshtym dwarf suddenly disappeared.

Read the story: Journalist Andrey Loshak told about Kyshtym dwarf the Great