the Most useful vegetable, which is able, in particular, to protect the body against cancer is broccoli. With this statement made by doctor and TV presenter Alexander Myasnikov.

the Doctor said that the main advantage of broccoli is that it contains a healthy dose of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that protect the body from development of cancer. However, there is this variety of Kale is better raw, not cooked.

butchers convinced that to maintain the body in good shape people need to eat a pound of different fruits and vegetables. Moreover, such plant foods are much healthier than the drugstore vitamins.

According to the doctor, fruits and vegetables in every Department of digestive tract will be dosed to give vitamins and minerals. “A tablet – you “fell” into the stomach, where the acid burned her,” explained the butchers in the TV channel “Russia 1”.

the Presenter added that in the preparation of a daily diet is best to follow the rule: “Each hunter wishes to know where sits pheasant”. That is, the fruits and vegetables of different colors contain different useful items.