Actor Alexander Domogarov, who left earlier with the scandal of the Gorky Moscow art theater, said in Instagram about the non-payment of wages for proven performances, promising to give the money to someone who will punish the theatre for this attitude to artists.

Rambler wrote that Domogarov more than 25 years played on the stage of the Mossovet theatre and Moscow art theatre performed as a guest artist. In March he stated that he severed relations “with the top authorities of the Moscow art theatre”, as well as chief financial officer.

In his message on social networks Domogarov said that looking for a good lawyer.

“one of the lawyers will take the case of a refund from the played performances in the Moscow art Theater in March and not paid to the artist? The contract of the work performed on the hands. In conditions when [the actors] don’t get paid, when you need it all — these people felt that they didn’t have to pay money for work done”, he said.

Domogarov emphasized that “lost from the vile attitude to the artist” and would like to involve in the answer of the theater’s art Director Eduard Boyakov.

“I give the money to someone who will punish Boyakov and pseudo-art theater,” said Domogarov.