They assume the main attack of the invisible enemy. Often become victims. The same numbers proof: the number of victims of the virus doctors are not getting smaller.

“Kommunarka”. The name of this new Moscow hospital now known to almost everyone. How many virus-infected patients took it and was saved! And its head doctor Denis Protsenko at the end of March he fell ill. Left. Isolated in his office. In remote mode, continued to lead all services, continue to save us. In mid-April, recovered. Works. And God forbid you, Denys!

And when Tuesday morning learned that the virus overtook our author, expert, surgeon unique, clever, skillful organizer health service, chief physician of the largest Russian hospitals Botkin hospital Alexei Shabunin, just could not believe. Perhaps because Alexei V. be in all respects reliable, so friendly, so willing to always help that… Well, it is simply impossible that he caught a damn virus.

And when I called him on the phone when asked the most pertinent question: “Alex! Is that true?” – was hoping for a different answer, but…

– However, – said Alexey Gordeyev. – At the first symptoms passed the tests. Received a positive result. Immediately isolated themselves in his office. Continue to work. With the staff communicate only in the mode of videoconferences. After the plasma transfusion I feel much better. I’m on the mend. And our Botkin, as always, around the clock. Emergency aid has not been canceled. Botkin and her always had. Comply with all anti-epidemic measures. Help infected with the coronavirus cancer patients and patients with blood diseases.

– Alex! Get well soon…

– That’s your call, and help me to recover.

Remember the words of the famous “medical” songs: “don’t get sick, doctor! We support you”… Relevant as ever.