According to scientists, not only this, but many other companies should immediately start monitoring the status of soil under their structures.

In fact, the phrase “permafrost” — rather, for us mere mortals. In modern science it is not very much, prefer to say “long-term”. Surprising: if we think on the scale of geological eras, the idea of eternal change. So, long ago namely 60 million years ago, in the white light, there was no permafrost. Those days are called thermoroll, and it lasted 180 million years.

It was, as the researchers write, prehistoric Paradise with the soft and warm climate, which, in General, a little different in different latitudes. It is believed that in many ways, this pleasant uniformity was achieved due to the fact that all of the continents at that time were still merged into a single supercontinent Pangaea, and on it was the General air circulation. And greenhouse gases were quite a lot in the atmosphere. By the way, that part is a little alarming.

And then gradually went on the division. Antarctica forever parted from Australia and South America, went far away to the North pole and he brought their orders. There, on the pole, of course, the sun shines less and the relatively cool air no longer communicates with the air over other parts of the world as before. Occurs closed circulation. Zamerzayut glaciers. So in the end, and turned to see the contrast we are seeing now at the poles is very cold at the equator is very hot. We (still) live in cioara. The era of the great glaciations.

the Arctic, according to scientists, finally froze over two-three million years ago. Relatively recently, agree. Total we have to date, a total of 35 million square kilometers, “long-term” permafrost. A quarter of the earth’s land area. And if you look at the sixth part of this land, that is, for Russia, there remains no doubt about what era we found ourselves. No joke: 60-65% of the country.

According to the General opinion of scholars, the border recently make a stealthy retreat. And it’s a disaster.

According to scientists, it is a vicious circle: hot ice, dark, and therefore absorbs more sunlight and heat.

on the one hand, warm and soft climate of course, it may be OK. And with another — is that our entire life rests on the cold and hard ground.

According to the researcher, Centre for ecological problems and productivity of forests RAS Dmitry Zamolodchikova, the depth of the “unfrozen” of soil in the North is increased by a centimeter. And he is convinced that to fear in this respect should be first and foremost not greenhouse gases.

we will Remind, according to “Norilsk Nickel”, the companyand earth was gone under feet. Rather, under pillars on which stood a huge tank of diesel fuel.

And we wanted to show where in the Russian permafrost are burial sites, but it was almost impossible. In General we can say that a lot of them.

That is the corpses of animals who died from the disease. It should be understood that anthrax spores are stored on the remains for centuries, and remain, so to speak, ready to use. And protects them from the frozen ground. She them can. And thawing of the soil in which they lie, means the opening of these stores.

Such cases have already been. For example, in 2016 in the Yamal Peninsula. Then killed 12-year-old boy, was ill more than 20 people, had to burn 2.5 thousand of the remains of the fallen deer. Microbiologists said that the cause of the outbreak — revealed due heat the cemetery.

Thawing some terrible ancient virus Dmitry Zamolodchikov considers improbable event, but with the antediluvian bacteria in the North, he said, have had to face. The biologist spoke about how they researched his colleague Professor David Gilichinsky.

it is believed that the eternal — excuse me — permafrost for millions of years has accumulated half a trillion tons of carbon, and it is twice more than it is now in the atmosphere. While the soil binds the dead of winter, this carbon lies serenely. But as soon as it gets warm, it starts a flurry of activity.

the Bacteria begin to digest that carbon and turn it into carbon dioxide. And this is especially noticeable in the winter, said biologist — in the winter there is no photosynthesis, i.e. plants do not absorb CO2 and emit oxygen. Therefore, this problem is relevant for the Northern regions. However, the scientist added that while the main “supplier” of carbon dioxide in regions of permafrost — still is not earth, and human activities.