Died one of the founders of American hip-hop group The Roots Malik B (real name Malik Abdul Basit). Information about this appeared in the Twitter account of the team.

“We regret to inform you of the death of our beloved brother and longtime member of The Roots, Malik Abdul Basit. Let he is remembered for devotion to Islam and that he was one of the most gifted MC in history. We ask that you respect his family in this mourning time,” — says the publication.

Cause of death 47-year-old musician is not specified. As reported by NBC News, Malik B abused psychoactive substances.

Debut album, the Rooors called Organix! came out in 1993 and has sold 150 thousand copies. The artist worked with the team over the first four plates, and then left the band and started a solo career. After retiring from The Roots, he continued to periodically work with the musicians.