Approximately three out of ten experience to have much more quality time with the family. It is more than a month ago.

to reduce the risk of being infected with corona, the past weeks have been recommended to be the most at home.

It seems many seem to have given more time with the family. It shows a new study made of the data Voxmeter.

In the study corresponds 29,5 percent – or nearly three out of ten – that they find that they have much more quality time with the other people in the household.

It is a lot more than the 21,1 percent – or just over two out of ten who answered the same for a small month ago.

The last few weeks, the increase could be due to the situation right now, get more for that advance, together with the nearest. It assesses the child and familieforsker Per Schultz Jørgensen, professor emeritus and former chairman of the national council for children.

– I think it is the families that experience that they have to stand against external pressure.

– Therefore, they feel they must stand together, support each other and help each other through the difficult time, they are in.

– It is many experience as a new and improved version of themselves, explains Per Schultz Jørgensen.

He believes that when the external pressure decreases, so will the internal cohesion also not be as necessary anymore.

– But I think also, in return, that we’re going to live with coronakrisen for a long time to come.

– Therefore, it will also require much of the family and of the internal cohesion, says the researcher.

the Survey by Voxmeter is based on responses from 1044 representatively selected persons.

While a part of them experiencing to have much more quality time with the others in the household, then there is also someone who is experiencing the opposite.

Five percent is equal, that they feel that they have much less quality time. For a small month’s time ago it was 3,4 percent, who experienced the same thing.

the study has also made a number of other issues. Among other things, the respondents were asked whether they have canceled or failed to book a vacation or a trip.

It is similar 55,6 percent – or more than half – yes. A month ago it was down towards the 25.1 percent who answered yes to the same.
