It is worth all the efforts, when children and adults send perleplader and greetings to the conductor, Phillip Faber.

There is something less space in the Phillip Faber’s letter in this time than there used to be.

It is stuffed with pictures, paintings, perleplader and even cups with his face on. Also the digital inbox overflowing with greetings, thanks and video clips of children and adults, who sing on “In the east the sun will rise up”.

daily Phillip Faber, chief conductor of the DANISH Guards, but under coronakrisen have it every morning, played and sung song on the DR1, and both the programme and his own popularity has exploded.

– For a choir conductor, this is completely overwhelming and unprecedented, even though there is usually also a big support from the Pigekorets hinterland.

It has become apparent to me that it means a lot that we’re doing something, which is not smart and fast, but really old school in its shape. Even if you do not see the program in five days, but swings over it randomly, so looks like it’s completely itself.

– It creates a kind of security, I think, and we need it right now, explains the 35-year-old Phillip Faber.

Over 200,000 danes sing every morning when he sits down at the piano and play the two selected Danish songs.

Last Friday, so a million viewers when he was in charge of the community singing on DR1.

But it is not the attention or the praise, which operates the plant for Phillip Faber.

It is the certainty that his little morgenritual helps people around the country.

– I got a message from a nurse in Horsens, which had been transferred to the coronaafsnittet, and I could feel that it was earnest and utrygt for her.

She wrote thank you for the broadcasts, which was a bright spot for her, and then she sent a video, where she and two colleagues sat in a pause, and song with. There, I felt that I am in the easiest situation right now. I miss just the ones I care about, but it is enough.

– But to brand someone who is so close to the unpleasant, and to feel that my work means something to her – it makes me want to be by the year, even if it’s just her, looking in, he tells.

He has also received a message from a mother whose son is up every morning to see with. She notes that Phillip Faber has increased the little boy’s knowledge to the Danish treasury of song with nothing less than a thousand percent.

– When I’m sitting alone at the piano, and worries me, if it feels artificial or weird, then I think that there’s some who are so eager to sing with. It makes it all worth it, he says.

It surprises him, not so much, school and efterskolefolk, churchgoers and kulturforbrugere is happy for the programmes.

But to a huge crowd of children looks with it, that is come much behind him.

– It is the best thing I can think of. There is only one regular nursery on the week, and the rest are songs about life, written for adults, but it also speaks to the children.

– They can hear well and recognize a strong song, so children should have the opportunity to select music. It is of course also a good person, if you choose something other than the music in his life, but one should have had the option. Now, there is dizzying many children, who have the possibility, he says.

Phillip Faber believes himself, that his job as a host at the DR’s in the morning is pretty simple.

– It has gone up for me, that I just have to use it, I have. I am a conductor, so it is my job to work with the songs and get the Guards to burn for a song, or to get them turned on to sing something that may just need to be opened, you can see its qualities.

– My love for the songs to rub off on those who need to sing it, he explains.

The task may be said to have succeeded.

Højskolesangbogen is for the first time arrived at bestsellerlisten, and even the prime minister Mette Frederiksen (S) has posted a video on Facebook, where she sings with on Friday night.

For Phillip Faber itself is fællessangen at least as important, as for the many danes, who are ready with the songbook in front of the screen.

– If we are not made in the morning every morning, I would not ane, what I should make of myself.

– It is also nice for me to go, play two songs and drive home again. As long as there are songs left that we not have sung, and which I love, so it should probably go all together, he says.

“morning Song, with Phillip Faber” is sent every morning at 09.05 in the weekdays and 10.03 at weekends in DR1 and P2. There is, however, changed the scheduling of easter.

on Friday evening at 20: 00 and invites Phillip Faber and Mads Steffensen also the danes broke into song on DR1.
