But no less important role was played by the establishment, at the end of the war the United Nations Charter, declaring war out of the law, ordered the permanent members of the Security Council to reach an agreement.

this won’t just diplomacy. Was actually codified the thesis of the indivisibility of security, that is, of the futility to ensure its security at the expense of security of others, or rather, the denial of the right to equal security. The globalization of the last 30 years has made in this direction, the next step is making everyone recognize interdependence as a key characteristic of our epoch, which is confirmed by the current pandemic. Any evidence of the indivisibility of security is necessary?

It is especially important to realize in all the capitals now, when there is an attempt to curtail the global processes and bring peace back to the XIX century with its nationalism, protectionism and isolationism. “Back to the future?” – this is what the attempt of Western elites to start artificially to revive in international relations ideological confrontation under the slogan of defending certain “liberal order” from “authoritarian regimes”. But all this repetition, which prevents the Kremlin. Only the further development of truly collective approach in world politics, and they are already incorporated in the UN system, to avoid such a scenario. The world was at a crossroads: either we go forward or go back, whatever arguments it may furnish.

it is hoped that the common interests of peace and cooperation in dealing with global challenges, which is a positive agenda (it is not necessary to invent!), will prevail and the leaders of the “five” will be able to reach an agreement. Then it will be easy to negotiate and all the rest. No custom formats – “seven”, “seven+”, etc. – do not give solutions. The first step to dialogue and restoration of confidence in world Affairs should be the ones who bear special responsibility for maintaining peace and international security. This would be the best way to honor the memory of those who got the Victory 75 years ago. History is not a linear process, but to lengthen the roundabout way to the fact that it was obvious even then, it would be the height of irresponsibility, if not a crime against the interests of the entire international community.

Our partners have ignored the offer of Russia at the Hague peace conferences of 1899 and 1907 to exclude war as a means of settling international disputes. The tragic consequences are obvious. Now, a hundred years later, the voice of reason must listen.