On the Spanish island of Mallorca, the police arrested 13 Germans on Saturday. The vacationers had previously flicked cigarette butts onto a roof located below them. It then started to burn. Two people are said to have been slightly injured by the fire.

The police arrested 13 German vacationers in Mallorca because they are said to have started a fire in a restaurant not far from Ballermann. They celebrated on the balcony of their hotel and flicked cigarette butts onto the reed canopy of the “Why Not” restaurant on the ground floor. The roof caught fire Friday afternoon.

It was initially unclear where the arrested people came from in Germany. According to the German landlady Alice Klotz, the damage was around 150,000 euros. Two people were slightly injured, as the “Mallorca Zeitung” wrote.

The tourists should be brought before a judge on Saturday evening, who will decide on further proceedings. It will also be about whether the holidaymakers started the fire intentionally or just acted extremely negligently.

At the moment, the Ballermann is celebrating wildly again, just like before Corona. There are practically no longer any corona measures in Mallorca. In the past few weeks, there have been more fights and thefts in the German holiday hotspot.