On the day of the 45th anniversary of the former soloist of group “visitors from the future” Eva Polna Starhit magazine published a long article about the singer, which gathered the most notable facts about it, up to a point not known to the General public. Below – details of the decay of the once very popular the team and the details of the personal life of the artist.

Eva Polna (nee Field) born in Leningrad in 1975. Her father, a military doctor, mother – an engineer-technologist. The girl grew up a studious and bright child, good in school, dreamed of becoming an astronaut. Then received the profession of the librarian-bibliographer, but, after graduating, devoted herself to music. Her singing career started with backing vocals in the group “A-2” and performances in small clubs St. Petersburg. In 1996, she met with Yuri Usachev, which subsequently created a group “Guests from the future”.

It is noteworthy that the first album in the genre jungle not earned the required response from the audience. But by switching to pop music, the artists captivated the audience. In a short time the group became very popular in Russia and

CIS. In 2009, “Guests from the future” fell apart, and the dipole went into solo sailing.

“We have lasted 11 years. Parted as close friends. (I) realized that I don’t need an abstract partner because I pull all on itself”, – leads edition of the word Dipole.

Today the singer consider themselves indie artists, but admits that still writes pop music. In this case the dipole leaves a place “outside of the General Russian musical stream”.

The personal life of the artist is saturated not less than her career despite the fact that the dipole is still officially free and never been married. She attributed the novel with Usachev, however, the singer has always emphasized that with a partner in the music group it has always been associated exclusively friendly relations.

There were rumors about a relationship with singer Shura, but this information was used as a PR team. In 2005 was born the eldest daughter of the Dipole – Evelyn. Information about who could be the father of the child for a long time was not. Only in 2012, the former participant of group “Tea for two” Denis Klyaver admitted that the singer gave birth to a daughter from him. The actor announced it to an audience of millions in one of the most popular talk shows, triggering outrage Eva Polna, which tried

to keep this information secret. The singer is the second daughter of businessman Sergey That. Currently, the singer is good at communicating with both men who are actively involved in the education of their daughters.

In 2019 in the media appeared information about the fact that Evelyn was in intensive care. Polna told that her 14-year-old daughter happened severe asthma: the child forgot to take medication. BPA��and day fought for the life of a teenager. As a result, all cost.

Today Eva Polna adheres to a regime of self-isolation, but not cease to work: she’s writing new songs and paints pictures. Most likely his 45th birthday, the artist will spend at home with family.