
the Polish scientists examined cores taken on the Baltic coast of this country, and found abundant evidence of major floods, including the record described in ancient sources of a tsunami, 1497.About opening reports Nauka w Polsce. Samples for laboratory...
New cases of coronavirus in China, can be imported, or infection manifested in people without symptoms, said the Vice-President of the International Academy of Sciences on nature and society, head of Department of Microbiology of latent infections Institute name...
The current President of Poland Andrzej Duda wins in the second round of the presidential election. It is reported TASS citing data from the exit poll. The preliminary voting results, published by the Polish TV show about 50.4 percent of...
President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko gave the inhabitants of the country guidelines that, in his opinion, supposed to protect people from the coronavirus. He advised me to go outside and ride a bike. This will help to "trouble breathing" and...
Brazil has become a leader in the growth of deaths from pneumonia COVID-19 caused by a coronavirus. This is evidenced by data project at Johns Hopkins University, published on the website.In recent days 807 people in the country died...

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