
Netizens said about the mysterious message which leads to problems with the iPhone. Shutdown of the device occurs when the owner of a smartphone or tablet Apple accepts it in any of the messengers, users write on Reddit. "Text bomb"...
American scientists from the Medical school named Grossman showed signs that appear in the early stages of infection severe COVID-19. The researchers found that increasing ferritin, D-dimer and C-reactive protein and low levels of oxygen in the blood was observed...
The national aeronautic and space USA (NASA) warned about the approach to Earth asteroid with a diameter from 84 to 190 m. According to the Agency, the asteroid, called 2009 PQ1, will approach the Earth on 5 August. It will...
Giant elliptical galaxies are not so likely candidates for the role of the cradles of highly developed technological civilizations. To this conclusion came an astrophysicist from the University of Arkansas in the course of the study, which was published...
a Love of porn causes erectile dysfunction and problems in a sexual relationship with a partner, found an international group of scientists. The more a man pays time porn, the higher are its demands, and makes it harder to...

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