Despite the government’s efforts to facilitate the exchange of information, the business is not ready for digitalization, the study of “Bukhsoft”. More than half of small and medium companies prefer to use traditional paper formats. Reasons lack of demand IT solutions business call them unreliable at high cost to operate electronic services and difficulties of development.Almost half of Russian companies (46%) do not use the possibilities of electronic document management, a research of 4.3 thousand companies service for small and medium business “Bukhsoft” (part of “Aktion-mtsfer”). The reasons for the refusal of digital solutions business calls comparative reliability of paper carrier (44% respondents), high costs of services of electronic document management (31%) and difficulties of development of such software (15%). However, 35% of companies applying a “paper” document, never faced with the requests of counterparties to switch to electronic.With the exchange of securities in electronic format is not in demand because of the unwillingness of contractors to use cloud solutions. The survey showed that only 14% of respondents the majority of contractors support of our cloud-based exchange, and a quarter of the respondents such contractors about half. Accordingly, more than half of contractors electronic document does not use, and do use the company’s electronic services less than five times per month.However, a third of companies, while working with paper reports, already thinking about the implementation of digital solutions and the refusal paper, since the state stimulates their transition to “digital” to improve transparency. For filing of certain documents in paper form business face fines (VAT Declaration, reporting on insurance premiums, electronic employment record books, financial statements). “In terms of mandatory reporting there is progress. However, apart from this requirement there are many other documents that you can use electronically,” says the head of the service “Bukhsoft” Natalia Andreeva. Note that along with the forced digitalization should support and experience of the lockdown, which allowed companies with “electronic” offices do not stay in the time limits due to remote work to their employees.Diana Galieva