first and foremost, you need to immediately blot the juice with a tissue or cloth to blot, not rubbing, otherwise it will increase the site of the lesion. The second step is to quickly close tight clothing or a bandage to protect it from sunlight. Third – immediately move into the shade, but even better in the room. Also you need to flush the area of skin with water with soap (you can also boric, tar). Wash thoroughly with abundant foam, washing several times with lukewarm water (not hot and not cold).

Important tip: within three to four days after contact with the plant to avoid the sun. In the juice of Hogweed contains toxic substances – coumarins and furocoumarins. They suppress the resistance to ultraviolet radiation, increase the skin’s sensitivity to sunlight and the result is a burn.

If we quickly washed off the juice and looked out on the sun – has all the chances to prevent skin lesions. Otherwise, the burns still occur.

within 30 minutes to 1.5 hours after exposure to the juice in the place where he was, itch, the skin becomes inflamed, there is redness. Later, there are painful blisters. They can be serous – filled with clear liquid, and sometimes even with blood.

a few days Later, the bubbles burst and formed a wound surface, and sometimes ulceration.

the healing Period is long – it can last from two to three weeks at a small lose to a few months. And even if the skin restore went through without a hitch – a few months on the burn left dark pigmented spots.

it is Therefore important to be treated at every stage.

1. The first stage is inflammation. The affected area itches, swells, then begin to appear on blisters.

once at the site of contact of the juice began itching, and it became clear that to avoid damage to the skin failed, you need to start taking an antihistamine. Juice of Hogweed – a strong allergen, it is irritating to certain receptors and the required anti-Allergy drugs to relieve intoxication and itching. Taking your medicine a few days until an allergic reaction.

Before the emergence of bubbles affected skin treated the same way as in conventional thermal burns. You can use any ointments or sprays against burns: it may be the panthenol spray olazol ointment or bandage paneling – lubricated carefully the injured area or apply a bandage with ointment.

When the bubbles appeared – to open them is impossible. The risk of infection. If the bubbles burst – we have an open weeping wound surface. At this stage the right thing to do antiseptic lotions such as oak bark, Furacilinum, and use antibacterial ointment – for example, linkUNT of syntomycin, levomekol, baneuoqin to prevent wound infections.

2. The second stage regeneration, the recovery of the skin. This is the longest period. It is important, as is healing – depends on whether it remains on the skin scarring or scars. During this period to prevent scarring, it is good to use special creams with silver ions – for example, argosulfan, dermazin, hebermin, etc.

3. The third stage is epithelialization when there is a new young skin. At this time, it is important to prevent re-injury. Apply healing epitelizirutmi funds. Again, use the ointment with panthenol, solcoseryl.

as for the pigmentation spots after burn Hogweed a few months. At least, they will have to endure until fall, as treatment is possible only when leaves the sun. The affected area even after recovery remain sensitive to UV light – so if, for example, you go to the sea, the skin should definitely protect sunscreen.

as for home remedies – you can’t handle the burn of alcohol, it is not necessary to be smeared with sour cream, yogurt. Big misconception and processing oil: the skin is impermeable lipid film. It creates a steam effect – it’s a great environment for secondary flora and prevent infection. As a consequence, it can lead to purulent or purulent-necrotic complications.

the burns of Hogweed should not be taken lightly. Suffice it to say that if affects more than 80 percent of the skin is deadly.

Known more than 70 species of Heracleum, 10 of them conditionally and only one poisonous poisonous plant is cow parsnip Sosnowski. He circulated in the Moscow region and other regions. It is necessary to fight the cottagers.

to prevent defeat – the easiest way to avoid contact with the plant. If the Hogweed growing in your area – you need to examine appearance to show the plant children, explain to them that it is dangerous.

we Need to uproot, mow the plant to prevent its aggressive spread. But at the same time use all protective equipment: wear thick clothing, rubber gloves to protect the face shield and eye glasses. It would be good to use a respirator. Because the pollen of plants is also a strong allergen.

After work, need to take a shower with soap, wash clothes.

*This is an extended version of the text published in the “RG”