Scientists of the University of Tasmania in Hobart found that’s the dangerous line that mutates the genome of the virus SARS-CoV-2. This was reported in the scientific electronic library bioRxiv.

SARS-CoV-2 spread rapidly worldwide, accumulating considerable genetic diversity. Molecular biologists have developed a special method, which evaluated the epidemiological and evolutionary significance of each mutation in the genes of SARS-CoV-2. The accumulation of such changes increased the transmissibility of the virus and speed of its spread in the world. According to this method, the researchers compared several thousands of coronavirus genomes that have been deciphered over the last four months, and determined the existence of a third of its subtype.

the Third subtype of coronavirus, “line C”, appeared, according to them, at the end of February, in Europe. From the previous two, already-known, which are characterized by a set of important mutations in two key genes – S responsible for the penetration of SARS-CoV-2 in human cells, and ORF1ab – responsible for the replication of the virus. “Mutations that characterize the C, occur in functionally important regions of genes responsible for the replication of the virus and the cell,” the study says. This has increased the transmissibility of the virus and made it more rapid. Thus the virus began to spread rapidly across Europe in early March and brought the most devastating.

Now this line is the most common type of the virus in the world, scientists believe, and there is, along with the former.

the First two lines of the science was already known, conventionally called them “line A” and “line B”, and they correspond to previously proposed subtypes of Chinese scholars S and L, differing from each other in the severity of symptoms and rate of spread. They appeared in the early stages of the epidemic in November and December of 2019, and this genotype of virus has been prevalent in China.