He told about the dangers of space exploration.

Astrophysicist Paul Sutter of Ohio state University urged mankind to stay on Earth and not to go beyond the atmosphere, if we want to be alive and well.

the Author describes all the dangers that await people and spaceships in space. He begins with a story about what would happen if the suit suddenly cease to protect people from the vacuum. sci-Fi the movies love to depict people exploding in space, but this will not happen. Instead of the liquid inside the body will increase, the body will swell up twice, and people will have time to feel it all before I die.

If you get to one of the planets of the Solar system, you will be very disappointed, he continues. Mercury is so close to the sun that “roast you alive.” Venus has a “suffocating” atmosphere that can melt lead. On Mars you will find only carbon dioxide, but on Jupiter the raging hurricanes that Earth never dreamed of.

Then Sutter describes many other hazards. For example, a tiny asteroid, speeding up to 160 thousand km per hour, could destroy the spacecraft, solar flare, astronauts are irradiated with high doses of radiation, and cosmic radiation destroys the DNA of the person.

In space, waiting for the black holes that just tear the person apart. Besides, even in the Solar system that contains water, natural satellites, you might find extraterrestrial life.

“My primary task is to warn,” writes the astrophysicist.

Anna Lysenko