Scientists from the U.S. find out what can be the impact of blood group a person’s health, mental condition and alcohol dependence. On Tuesday, June 9, according to “Rambler” with reference to the study.

Experts conducted a study among people from the United States and Japan suffering from alcoholism. In the end, the experts came to the conclusion that most people with alcohol dependence have a second blood group.

According to the researchers, this may be due to the peculiarities of the functioning of the adrenal, due which a person perceives an insufficient level of glucose in the blood and subconsciously tries to compensate for lack of alcohol.

Another cause of alcoholism can be a stress.

As noted in the study, people with the second blood group recommended that drinking red wine in moderation to dissolve holesterinovykh plaques in the body and maintain high-quality work gastrointestinal tract.

the Most resistant to alcohol the scientists found the people with first blood.

In April, British researchers reported that regular consumption of alcohol by people over the age of 40 years leads to anxiety and depression and many health problems.