Academician of RAS, Advisor to the Director, Central research Institute of epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor on scientific work Viktor Maleev believes that the pandemic coronavirus infection will not end soon, as evidenced by the increase of its incidence in the world. It may be possible to continue the seasonal outbreaks of the disease, he said on the eve of the 80th anniversary of in an interview with "the Future of Russia. National projects", which is operated by TASS.

"Infection by definition will never end. Not one, so something else will be, and no infection we still live, ever. If it was 400 thousand cases worldwide in two days and who says we haven’t reached the peak, the plateau in the scale of the pandemic is yet to come. People fly on airplanes, globalization, therefore, really before the New year, it won’t end, and may be seasonal spikes, as now in Spain or Israel – 200-400 cases," he said.

The male noted that while it is difficult to predict whether the new wave of morbidity or not. "it is difficult to say whether it’s the wave incidence or not. In Russia now every day a little more than 6 thousand cases, and may not be that tomorrow’s growth will be 500 people or, on the contrary, 12 thousand Is a staged and gradual process, not an instantaneous," he added.

Units emergency response

Maleev believes that Russia needs to develop and strengthen the sanitary units emergency response to combat acute infections, and to educate General practitioners additionally on infectious profile.

Earlier, the Minister of health of the Russian Federation Mikhail Murashko in an interview said that the development is a new Federal project to combat infectious diseases, which will be "immersed" national project "Health".

"we need a rapid response unit. We have in Saratov is an institution "Microbe", which has such health services emergency response. In the case of outbreaks they arrive and diagnose, develop plans of quarantine measures. Such services need to develop and strengthen across the country," said the male.

The second effective measure academician called infectious caution doctors of other specialties.

"Now to combat coronavirus other physicians trained over the last month or two, but in principle, it should be more extensive preparation to reduce the risk of infection of health workers themselves. This is especially important for internists and General practitioners. It is impossible to predict when there was a new flash, five or 30 years. But the General willingness of all physicians with their practice as civil aboutRon. We have many infectious disease doctors have never seen cholera or leprosy," he added.