Faced with the coronavirus through illness, sure constraints during the isolation had to be more.

From late may-mid June two times increased the number of people who have the coronavirus fell ill relative or friend (28,19%). This was stated in a study conducted by the Directorate on expert-analytical the work of the Higher school of Economics (HSE). The number of respondents whose houses or in the neighborhood recorded cases of infection increased over the period from 26 may to 16 June from 4.7 to 8.1%. While faced with the coronavirus through illness, sure constraints during the isolation had to be more.

For the period from 26 may to 16 June increased and the share of respondents who have friends or in hospital with suspected COVID-19 (9,8%) or had contact with sick patients (13.3%). According to researchers, this growth is connected not so much with the spread of coronavirus as the feature distribution information from the affected person often talks about the disease, even after cured.

the growing group of Russians who do not believe in the danger of a pandemic or consider it fiction stakeholders, three weeks was continued, but ceased to be rapid, says RBC.

Deputy head of the Directorate for expert-analytical NRU HSE Ruslan Artamonov expressed the opinion that at the moment many Russians, “is a reassessment of risks and priorities.” “The safety of life and health comes to the fore. These people already understand the need for isolation, for what purpose it was introduced, and often seeing how often these measures are not met, even I agree that measures of self-isolation had to be more,” says Artamonov.

At the onset of the second wave COVID-19 more than half of the respondents (54,4%) will follow a policy of self-isolation in the same way as the first time, and 4.5% of Russians are planning to do it even stricter. Don’t be in such a situation, to follow a policy of isolation on their own is 14.2%, with another 8.4% are going to comply with only those rules, violation of which will give a penalty. Tenth (9.8 per cent) of Russians will not be able to observe a mode in the second wave for various reasons, in particular, due need to go to work.

Wait for foreign vaccine want the 4.4% of respondents, and more than 10.6% will make the decision about vaccination in the next year. A third of respondents (37.7 percent)said they were not going to be vaccinated against COVID-19 never.

Previously, the HSE conducted a survey, the results of which revealed almost a quarter of respondents (23.2 percent)believe the coronavirus fiction, and 9.6% — that the risk COVID-19 greatly exaggerated. Among these people, 43% have regular contact with relatives, and 54% o��DYT on walks. Nearly three quarters of the doubters in the epidemic — 74,22% — believe that in the regime of self-isolation wasn’t necessary. In addition, 25% of respondents believe that the peak of the epidemic yet to come.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said earlier that Russian doctors have done everything possible and more to save the maximum people from the coronavirus. The head of state called doctors heroes. “I’m sure you did everything you could and more, showing the real wonders of professionalism. Most importantly — minimized losses, it is your merit!” — concluded Putin. He added that all charges for the coronavirus will be paid for July and August. According to the decision of the government, the allowance amount for doctors 80 thousand rubles per month, nurses (paramedics, nurses) — 50 thousand, and for Junior staff — 25 thousand rubles.

Putin at a meeting with representatives of the sectors of the economy, faced with the consequences COVID-19, announced that the country comes out of the situation with the pandemic COVID-19 with minimal losses, but still enough. The state will be able to overcome all the difficulties, the Russian economy has reserves and accumulated practices to improve productivity, said the head of state.