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Ben Cowling is a professor of epidemiology at the University of hong Kong and advisor to the WHO. He says to the british newspaper The Guardian that the WHO can be in the process of creating new guidelines for the use of surgical masks.

This is the current advice from the WHO

He believed that a new recommendation will recommend that the so-called kirurgmaskene, i.e. the most advanced munnbinda, only be used by helsearbeidarar. But think that it may be appropriate to advise home masks and other easier tøymasker to use as a smittehemmande measures.

Norway is one of the countries who follows WHO in the face mask issue, but also here, there are many who think that helsestyresmaktene en should ask its citizens to use surgical masks when they are out among the people.

Homemade face mask

Jørgen Karlsen think Norway immediately should introduce the statute on the use of surgical masks outside.

), which asks the citizens to use surgical masks experience that it is effective against koronaviruset. We have to immediately do here in the country also, think fysikar and former forskingsdirektør in the company A-viral, Jørgen Karlsen.

He has gone out with his message both in Speech on , and at the latest on Thursday night in Dagsnytt 18. He believes we need to be able to create munnbinda themselves, or try to get hold of or face mask from for example China.

We know that dropesmitte through the air head-smittekjelda. If you go with a mask it will take off splatters from your mouth. On the other use the mask it will protect you. If all is mandatory to use the mask in public so it is an effective, sensible and inexpensive way to prevent infection, says Jørgen Karlsen the Norwegian broadcasting corporation NRK.

Norwegian institute of public health (FHI) has not gone out and urged people to wear a face mask, among other things, because they think it is not sufficient proven that it has the effect.

does not See the effect,

Hanne-Merete Eriksen-Volle is the acting head of department at the Norwegian institute of public health FHI.

Photo: NRK

– We reign in our out of a heilskapsvurdering, and we will take starting point in the available knowledge about the smittespreiinga in the community. So it is today, we see not the effect of the use of surgical masks out in the community, but at the same time, we see that the face mask has a very large effect in the health service. To date we have not had enough surgical masks available to everyone, so we must prioritize those that are working in health services, says the acting head of department in the FHI, Hanne-Merete Eriksen-Volle.

She says also that it may be relevant to look closer at this with maskebruk when we come in a situation where we have a good supply of masks that it may be relevant. She is also aware of the fact that the WHO live considering this question.

Espen Rostrup Nakstad is fungerande of health.

Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / Håkon Mosvold Larsen

the Acting director Espen Rostrup Nakstad have a great understanding of that people need to use the mask in the land where people dwell far closer than in Norway, but he support FHI’s vision that there is no research that shows that maskebruk have an effect in a society with few smittetilfelle.

– We can risk to be in a situation where we use millions of surgical masks and masks to no avail. It is something completely different in countries where there are many suffering, and where they might stand as herring in a barrel on the Subway. When I see the need to protect themselves, ” says Rostrup Nakstad.

Has introduced the commandment

Also internationally, there is a great discrepancy about it is a good smittetiltak to ask the healthy person to wear a face mask when they are out among the others. Some countries, such as Austria and the Czech republic, have introduced the commandment that people should use a face mask when they go in the store.

U.s. president Donald Trump has also gone out and asked the citizens in the country to use the surgical masks or scarves when they are outside . In China and Japan authorities have also asked people to wear a face mask.

Smitteeksperten Jeremy Howard from the University of San Francisco has started an international campaign to get people to protect themselves by using a face mask. The campaign has been given the name #Masks for all.

He says to The Guardian that it is clear that koronaviruset primarily spreads through dropesmitte. He reminds also that a person is smittefarleg the first seven days after the not the person himself is suffering, and that person usually is without symptoms of illness during this period.

– All should think that we basically constitute a mortal danger for the people around us, and that we can fling dropar and point several metres around us. Though we have surgical masks on us, so we can dramatically reduce preventing the spread of the virus, he says.

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