the Easter holidays has, for many have already started, while some have to wait a few days. Also the summer holidays fast approaching.

Many people wonder therefore on what rights they have on a vacation in years, especially with regard to koronakrisen we are over.

Veronica Hermansen jobs in attendant with the labour inspectorate. She can tell that many take contact to get answers to their questions.

– Right now the majority of the questions on the rules around to determine vacation, or to change your vacation already planned.

Veronica Hermansen of the Norwegian labour Inspection authority.

Photo: Private

the Questions by the labour Inspection authority receives comes from both the employers and employees.

most of The questions we get is fine to answer, ” says Hermansen.

Here you may find answers to some of your questions:

1. The employee may be required to take out holiday at short notice?

The short answer is yes. In any case parts of it. For a more detailed answer see love Labour’s websites of the holiday. It is largely the employer determines when the holiday should be discontinued, ” says Hermansen.

She points out that it still is limited in how much vacation, the employer can require you to take out already now. That the employee has the right to get three of ferieukene their added to in the summer, in the period between 1. June 30. september.

– Such is the holidays act today, and then apply it even under koronakrisen, ” says Hermansen.

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2. You may be required to move your holiday?

For many people go enough ferieplanene in the sink in years, as a result of koronapandemien. When may it tempt to move a little on your vacation. Unfortunately, it is not so simple, ” says Hermansen.

It is understandable that several do not wish to take out holiday so you already have agreed, when one does not get gone on vacation as planned. But the answer is still no. If a first agreed to have the holiday then, so one must take it.

If you agree with the employer about moving the holiday, it is something else.

Insurance: what you need to do with utenlandsferien 3. If the boss cancel your vacation because of extraordinary circumstances, what rights have we then?

In some cases, can the employer postpone the agreed holiday, but then you need three conditions to be met:

– It must be necessary because of an unforeseen situation. Ferieavviklingen must also create substantial operational problems for the workplace, and that there is no deputy who can do the work.

In addition, the employer must discuss this with the employee in advance, and cover any additional costs as a result of the change.

4. One needs to take out a scheduled vacation days, even if they are laid off?

Yes, vacation is determined and wound as normal, also if one is laid off.

If you were to be out sick in 100 per cent before the holiday season starts, one can require that the vacation be postponed to later in the ferieåret. If you are 100 percent out sick during the holiday season, you may require to get exposed they your vacation time you were out sick.

it Should be the case, it is important to contact the employer to require the delay. In addition, you must document the illness with doctors certificate.

5. Contact us if you are unsure,

– If you are unsure, or have any questions, please contact your employer. If you need guidance around the regulations, you can make contact with us at the Inspection, ” says Hermansen.