It was a big deal, which last year received into the inbox, as the musician Wafande got the opportunity to participate in the television program “Across the Atlantic”.

Here are sailing six well-known danes 6000 kilometers over the Atlantic ocean in the company of professional sailors, and it was a checkmark in life, you will want to tick of, believe Wafande.

But sejlerlivet turned out not to be the reggae-star’s cup of tea.

– My father was a sailor, and I thought that maybe I could get closer to him. So both emotionally and eventyrmæssigt it was a trip, I could not say no to, and I thought that maybe I could find myself and see it as something meditative.

But it was not it. It was tough, cross-border, in many ways, and not in the way I thought.

– I’m reasonably restless, so to be trapped on a boat with many strangers, people I don’t care about. On day two or three I was already tired of it, so it was hard, explains Wafande.

the Musician, who is behind hits like’ Give me a smile” and “Naughty”, would never do it again. He is completely convinced.

– It was beautiful with the sunsets and dolphins jumping by the side of the boat. But when they have made it 17 days in a row, so is it just big fish.

– It is quite finished, and it does not get better after coming home. I hate it just as much now as I did on the boat, he says.

But even though the trip was not the therapeutic adventure, he had hoped, so have Wafande learned one important thing about themselves.

– I’m pretty socially adept and are rarely alone, for I am often surrounded by people. Therefore, I thought that it would feel reasonable is usually to be surrounded by people all the time, but what I missed most, was my alenetid.

– All of my friends and previous boyfriends have always said to me that now I should just be a little alone. They have said that I should relax and not make something all the time.

– So maybe they had the right in that I should be better to be alone. I must learn to bore me and be with myself, explains Wafande.

He does not feel that he came closer to the danger, which suddenly vanished out of the eight-year-old Wafandes life.

– My father was a cargo ship, so it is something other than our small dinghy. It was an idealization in my head, but I learned enough more that I should appreciate my alenetid.

on the other hand, I’m glad some of the friendships I have gained. But I would not do it here again, he strikes fast.

in Addition to the Wafande helps diamanthandler Katerina Pitzner, tv and radio presenter Anders Lund Madsen, artist, Kristian von Hornsleth, chef Jesper Vollmer and youtuber Julia Sofia entrepreneurial environment in the second season of “Across the Atlantic. The programme is broadcast on Channel 5 and Dplay.