Can our children get a hug? Children can not keep a distance? It becomes not difficult for the children to understand?

Since Mette Frederiksen at a press conference, announced that from 15. april would re-open the institutions and schools from the 0.-5. grade levels, so have several parents expressed a great concern as to whether their children will get the necessary care.

that is Why we here at B. T. taken hold of the former school teacher and now children’s and familieforsker Per Schultz Jørgensen. He doesn’t think you should be nervous.

“Some children can of course come to miss something care, but we must remember that children are rational beings,” he says.

One must be careful not to underestimate them, he believes.

“Kids can hear a voice or see a face, whether one is happy, sur, will be of comfort or help,” says Per Schultz Jorgensen.

this is Why it is also important that you are not overbekymret, for the children can also brand.

“They will be able to notice that you are taking them seriously.”

According to the expert Per Schultz Jørgensen, there are four broad advice as to how best to handle the future time when a large proportion of Danish children to be back in schools, kindergartens, nurseries, etc.

It can be a great help for concerned parents to talk with other parents, ægtefælder, friends, parents, etc.

“It’s a way to vent her worries, put them away, and maybe get a new perspective on the situation,” says Per Schultz Jorgensen.

It is important to talk with the child about his that even though they come back to everyday life, so, much will not be, as it usually is.

“Explain that it will not be, as it usually is, and that there will be some new guidelines. Tell your child that now we need to be clean in a new way”, says Per Schultz Jorgensen.

Are you concerned about how the child’s new life will look like, you can contact the kindergarten, nursery or school which the child is affiliated with to be informed as well, as it is possible.

“Ask them how far they are with the preparations, though the staff itself is comfortable, how the physical environment will be for the children,” saith the council, Per Schultz Jørgensen.

if you Have a particularly vulnerable child, so it is important that you are aware of, whether the child seems anxious. Is it the case – and the child makes many thoughts about the situation – as it will for any be a good idea to postpone school or institutionsstart.

“Wait a week or two and use the time to build a trust between the child, parents and staff,” says Per Schultz Jorgensen.

He explains that it is for all children is important to make it clear to them that this is something we are in this together. It may be inappropriate to create a fear for the other children.

“Tell your child that we stand together in this situation – we help each other by behaving in a new way together,” he says.

Basically, it’s about the parents, to trust the authorities – and to communicate the trust to his children, eye to eye with them, saith the council by Per Schultz Jørgensen.