Over the main course of the third start-up complex of the Central ring road (Central ring road) open to traffic for all nine overpasses on highways, reported the state-owned company “Avtodor”.

the longest viaducts on the located on the road Selikhino – the Lotus in the Dmitrov district (length 191,1 m) and on the road Slides – Mamontovo (length of 57.3 meters).

Overpasses need for roads between the plots, sold and Noginsk, and settlements roller Coaster, mammoth, village Wench and other settlements in the Moscow region.

during the construction of the Central ring road also has public transport, organized congresses to small settlements that are close to the Central ring.

the structure of the Central ring-3 includes 44 crossing at different levels with the existing roads of different categories, said the company.