through subsidies to remove the price of one square meter costs of infrastructure, construction of social facilities if the profitability and purchasing power allow the Builder to spend money on it, said the acting Minister. But even more to reduce the cost of construction does not allow the growing prices for construction materials.

“Any further reduction in the cost of a meter (we do not take now, Moscow, St.-Petersburg – we take the regions) will lead to lower quality housing and lower quality housing means a reduction of competition in the market”, – said Stasyshyn. After a few years the decline will affect the growth issues the current and major repairs. If the developer declares that reduces the cost of a meter, so at it the price was too high.

“Today, the balance of the price per square meter and the cost of the mortgage is absolutely unique. I believe that today is the best time to buy an apartment. It is not necessary to wait for anything, believe me. I can’t wait. Want to buy a house – go buy it. And our task – to make so that the house was completed, and certainly not to dictate to the Builder what the price per square meter he needs to sell. It regulates the market”, – summed up Stasyshyn.