Moscow plant of thermal automatics temporarily suspended work due to violations of sanitary norms, according to the website of Rospotrebnadzor in the city of Moscow. The company opened 12 may and sealed 13.

The audit showed that the administration did not give the workers masks and gloves. At the entrance of the plant was not marking for boundary and non-contact thermometer, and jobs was not antiseptic. In addition, the company has not arranged for checking the temperature of employees in the workplace and not started a journal, which records the performance.

Moscow industrial enterprises returned to work on may 12 in the first phase on the removal of restrictions in the capital because of the coronavirus. Jobs returned employees whose presence is necessary for technological reasons. However, organizations must provide workplaces social distancing, and randomly test employees for the coronavirus.

7 may it was reported that the Moscow authorities will be fined for violation of mask mode in the workplace. The penalty amount is 4 thousand rubles.