The employees of Irkutsk zoos don’t know what will feed the animals in winter and appealed to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin with the request to allow them to work. Judging by the video posted in the community, “Irkutsk Zoo,” the social network “Vkontakte”, zoos remain closed for three months. All this time the Pets are able to feed only through the donations of caring people and private organizations.

The employee of the Siberian zoo Polina Cherdyntseva reported that most zoos visited from April to September and added that in the neighboring regions of the zoos are already working. If in Irkutsk they are not open, the animals will starve.

“We hope that you pay attention on our problem and with your help, Irkutsk zoo will earn in the near future”, — said in the appeal, the head of the Irkutsk zoo Ivan PPE.

As already reported IA REGNUM, the epidemiological situation in the Irkutsk region remains tense. On 29 June, the total number of carriers of the coronavirus is already 7315 people, and 232 were added just in the last day.