Pavel Durov

In the United States, the court concluded the struggle of the company Pavel Durov Telegram and the Commission on securities and exchange Commission (SEC), launched in October 2019. The Commission has filed a lawsuit against the company, Russian entrepreneur, after the Telegram has attracted $ 1.7 billion for the development of its blockchain-project TON (Telegram Open Network). Now 1,224 billion dollars of this amount, the company culture needs to return to investors and to pay the SEC a fine of 18.5 million.

In may, a Telegram announced the termination of work on TON. And the outcome of the court case was the signing of a global agreement with the Commission on securities and stock exchanges of the USA.

Pavel DurovBecause the further consideration of the case did not make sense, we decided to complete it and to fulfill its obligations,— posted by Pavel Durov in the telegram, expressing hope that in the future the United States will become friendlier to relate to blockchain projects.

In 2018, the film drew $ 1.7 billion from 175 investors for the development of new blockchain-TON platform and cryptocurrency Gram.