Tag: space

Exactly 50 years ago in the mission control center United States received a report from astronaut John Swagart: "Houston, we have a problem". Thus began the mission to rescue the disaster of the ship "Apollo-13"
Cosmonautics Day on Board the ISS to learn and accept a six-month watch 123rd Russian cosmonaut Ivan Wagner. A native of a small town in Arkhangelsk region lost the right to pronounce the most important words in a festive video message from orbit
Google and the Russian space Agency has prepared answers astronauts to the most popular questions from Russian users of the network. Watch the stories of the astronauts about life and work in orbit and try to repeat it at home. Imagine that the closest store is 300 kilometers of airless space
President Vladimir Putin holds a communication session with the ISS and the astronauts were congratulated with the upcoming Cosmonautics Day
On April 12 the world celebrates the cosmonautics Day. On this auspicious day the Explorer, "RG" talks about what kind of music listen to our astronauts in orbit

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