The astronauts shared the lifehacks for maintaining the isolation

And on this day, in addition to honoring the conquerors of space, we must listen to their advice, because they are also professional shumoizolyatory. They left the space station only in the individual protection means and obtaining a special permit. They take out the garbage every few months, every day exercise and eat what we have in the kitchen.

Photo: iStock Russia had taken strict measures to protect the ISS from the coronavirus

we All know that in space people can not fly out the window to watch, and to work at maximum distance. So let’s take the example of astronauts and do not go without the need of the dangerous “open space”. Even with a dog. Did it somehow Belka and Strelka and many animals and insects, who have been in orbit.

To all users on the network could be more like heroes conquerors of the airless space, Google and the Russian space Agency has prepared answers astronauts to the most popular questions from Russian users of the Search.

12 videos now available on YouTube channel “Roscosmos TV”. They existing cosmonauts, Heroes of Russia – Oleg skripochka, Oleg Artemyev, Alexei Ovchinin and Sergei Revin – will share interesting facts about preflight checks and the lives of the crew. For example, Oleg skripochka, commander of expedition MKS-62, which is now in orbit, talked about sports in space, what astronauts eat every day and how to brush their teeth. He also had a small tour of his cabin, and showed that visible from the window.

Watch the stories of the astronauts about life and work in orbit and try to repeat it at home. The top 12 user requests the Search included:

1. What astronauts eat?

watch this video with children-SQAlinecame and kindergartners: they confirm what has long been eat like the astronauts. And the house it is time to introduce such a system? At least try nothing to cook and there is only “space food” – from the tubes, cans and other sealed packages. If you have not prepared for that and not stocked space food – scroll soup and buckwheat in a blender, pour in the bag and eat through a straw. Record a video and publish on YouTube and social networks with a #segodnjashnij.

2. As the astronauts sleep?

sleeping easier, but if there is a problem with laying children, invite them to sleep in sleeping bags. If not at home, you can make a temporary sewing up a quilt or blanket on both sides.

3. How astronauts brush their teeth?

For the space brushing your teeth, you will need water bags. Can be rinsed packaging from mayonnaise or liquid soap. Improvise with the children. It will take you some time.

4. How astronauts train to space?

No home treadmill or Ergometer? Lie down on the sofa, lift the leg and turn imaginary pedal. Together – more fun. Buckle up yourself and children for sofa not necessary. Only those who will often fall.

5. What astronauts do in space?

Get a logbook and write in it everything that I do around the house. Fix the EVAs (for bread and dog). Conduct biological experiments – plant on the windowsill onion and ginger, make a note of how many hours your pet sleeps, etc. Test equipment!

6. How astronauts get to the ISS?

the rocket will tell even children. But not so simple. Search on the map of the city, where they make missiles and components for them. Make routes from places of isolation to Star city, Baikonur and Vostochny. Remembervoi travel and the places you traveled for 6 hours and two days. Are they like space?

7. As the astronauts fall back to the Ground?

this roller, we offer you to play the game soft landing. Take a world map and throw her some sort of subject. Check how’s the situation at the landing site? Record the results in a logbook. When you get tired – you can do space debris. This is a long strategic game that will help you less to take out the garbage. Fold all fold, ask the children to crush plastic bottles and neatly folded cardboard box. If shumoizolyatory in the country, you can burn paper waste in the dense layers of the garden plot. Follow safety rules! Be sure to take a picture of the result.

8. Why astronauts wear space suit?

This is probably the main issue. Of course, for protection. Make a suit out of scrap materials. Themselves and children, and of course, Pets and favorite toys. For those who do not comply with the regime of isolation for good reasons, create a space suit for spacewalk. Practice putting on and taking off the suit at speed. Record the results in a logbook. Photos in social networks with a #segodnjashnij.

9. What kind of music do astronauts listen to?

Make a list of 5 of your favorite songs. For each participant in isolation. Make a shared playlist of the crew and conducted a survey. Mark in the logbook those that love to all without exception and those that someone don’t like at all. Spend time compiling a playlist that will suit them all. Don’t swear and don’t fight!

10. Are the astronauts in the military?

in this video, you will learn the most important thing – whether will take you to the astronauts. If you’ve completed everything and played all the games, you have the chance.

11. That astronauts take into space?

In this video you will learn how many hand Luggage is allowed to astronauts. After the it requirements of airlines seem like just a luxury. And spoiler – why in space you need a big map of Australia.

12. How astronauts communicate in space?

communication in space everything is fine. And you have been called to their relatives, friends? It’s time to congratulate them and to not communicate in social networks, and voice.

the Earthmen – space health! Take care of yourself!