Tag: Pensions and benefits

The loss of citizens due to the early more often than once in five years of transfer of pension savings from the Fund to the Fund was reduced due to the new rules. The FIU has issued 3.7 million warnings about the loss of investment income
Allowances for children aged 3 to 7 years in low-income families will be raised in Moscow. This was reported in his blog the mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin. He said that this is not a temporary measure, and constant. The amount of the payments will be 7613 rubles a month per each child
Permitted by law on maternity capital, the purposes for which it can be directed, not satisfied with nearly half of young families. In this case, every third mother would like to receive the amount receivable in cash. To such conclusions experts gave the results of the survey of parents
Vladimir Putin suggested that in the next three months in addition to pay three thousand rubles per month for each minor child to those parents who become unemployed. About the initiative of the head of state said at a meeting with heads of regions
Additional child allowance in the amount of 5 thousand rubles parents can obtain, by submitting an application on the portal or in the personal Cabinet on the website of the FIU. It will be paid within three months from April to June

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