– We have orange farevarsel in Lofoten, Ofoten and Vesterålen. And yellow farevarsel in Nord-Salten and South-Troms, says the on-duty meteorologist Gunnar Noer.

It is expected to gust up to 40 metres per second and full storm.

the Wind has already hit the country and the powerful blows of the Voice and other parts of the Lofoten islands.

Lavtrykket is now located just west of the Voice and is moving north-eastwards.

In the course of the next hour the wind will increase in the Lofoten islands, and we expect that the most powerful wind will come with vestaværet on the back of the lavtrykket.

Eventually move the wind north and will hit the also The for full. Also the South-Troms will notice the weather well.

Noer also warns about the that also Hamarøy and Steigen will get very powerful gust of wind.

With the wind it is also high water and up to eight metres high waves close to the shore.

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Lofotkraft reports that about 100 customers are without power in Skulbru and Opdøl Leknes municipality.

We do not know exactly what is the cause of the outcome. But it is probably the wind, ” says Ove Jakobsen in Lofotkraft.

It is currently unclear when the error can be corrected so that the power comes back.

Torghatten Nord informs that the ferry between Bognes and Horn is tuned until further notice because of the weather.

Also ferries and speed boats were between Bodø and the Lofoten islands is set. Also, several bridges are closed.

– do Not challenge fate

– This is not the time to challenge fate, ” says Karsten Müller, vaktleder in Snøskredvarslingen.

He says that a combination of rising temperatures, high precipitation and strong winds are expected to naturally triggered avalanches.

A troubled low-pressure system that is on the way in along the coast will in addition provide storm and strong wind gusts.

– It provides great stress on the snow cover.

For even if the sun looking back, there is no reason to set out on ski trip near the valleys and mountainsides.

Currently it is notified for Wednesday in the red in the whole county of Nordland. It is the second-highest on the faregraden and corresponds to the great danger of avalanches.

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