Expert of the media Commission of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation Vadim Manukyan spoke about the reasons for divorce Asmus and Kharlamov. In his opinion, sex with Christina in the lead role in the film “Text” destroyed the family of the actress and comedian – however, he Kharlamov ahead of time is denied.

the Whole country is discussing divorce proceedings between Garik Kharlamov and Christina Asmus. 8 years, the actress and comedian was together in marriage they had a daughter Anastasia. Kristina and Garik both in demand in the profession, receive fabulous fees for speaking and filming.

the Film “Text”, released last year, was the reason for trolling Garik Kharlamov. talking about erotic scene Christina Asmus and Ivan Jankowski. Quite frankly the sex was shown on the screen. After the appearance of the picture Kharlamov began to persecute the Network in that spirit that he was not supposed to let his wife to star in such stage. Garik answered called to distinguish acting from reality. Announcing the divorce, Kharlamov hastened at once to assure that the film is “Text” here there is nothing.

Social activist Vadim Adamyan, in conversation with “MK” put forward his version of the collapse of the family Kharlamov and Asmus.

– Let Kharlamov and Asmus deny that the film Text can contribute to the resolution of their marriage. But I’m sure all the hype and Heit around him could not pass unnoticed.

You saw the scene with Cristina Ivan Jankowski?

Yes, and this piquant moment in length, one moment that Christina directly in the frame attempted to hide, but apparently, it broke the trust between spouses. I don’t think Gary nice to see how his wife is the actress in the frame keeps the manhood of another actor, and even the whole country, even in the movies, it looks.

There are iconic films that can change people’s lives. The film Klim shypenko time. He certainly made a wonderful film in which spicy scene Amous, and Jankowski is not important.