General producer at RTVI appointed musician and a member of the Party of growth Sergey Shnurov. As noted on the TV channel, the company is completing the reform of the top management team. Previously editor-in-chief of RTVI left journalist Alexei Pivovarov. After his departure the position was abolished. “Joint work with Sergei Shnurov, the total coverage of the YouTube channel which is more than 1.7 billion views, is an important step in the development of RTVI interested not only in increasing information and public-political broadcasting”,— stated in the message channel. Offer the musician did RTVI owner Mikayel Israyelyan. “We have studied best practices and decided to create a new position, proposing cooperation Sergei, has long been known in Russia and abroad We are sure, with the arrival of Sergei RTVI will be able to find their new unique tone and original content appearance”, said Mr Israelian.His appointment also commented on Sergey Shnurov. “I RTVI. My destiny made another sudden turn, and now I became the General producer of the international big channel”,— said the musician in the video, published on his page in Instagram.On TV, Mr. Cords will create pnovotny products, updating and promotion of the brand channel and will shape the overall creative strategy for the development and broadcasting.Sergey Shnurov is a musician, actor, TV host, leader of group “Leningrad” and “Ruble”. From 2019, member of the public Council under the state Duma Committee on culture. In February 2020, joined the Party of growth. In may 2020 was one of the producers of the Comedy series about the quarantine in the Middle ages. The statements of Sergei Shnurov about the politics and problems of society — in the compilation of “y”.