With a phenomenal taste, knowledge and willingness to show and tell about their relics, collectors Tatyana and Sergei Podstanitsky selected 100 items of fine and applied art of the XVII-XIX century portrait, miniature, landscape, genre paintings and graphics, porcelain, created by famous Russian artists and so-called “Rossika” (the work of foreign artists in Russia). The selection of exhibits are not random – they are all somehow connected not only with Pushkin’s era, but with life and creativity, near and far circle of the poet.

Collectors, named his exhibition – “Our “Pushkiniana””, paying homage to one of the most famous private collectors of Pushkin’s relics, a Frenchman of Russian origin, famous dancer and choreographer Sergei Lifar, who himself called his collection “My Pushkiniana”. Some of the exhibits from this collection will be presented at the exhibition, which will enter the area of the permanent exhibition of the Pushkin Museum on Prechistenka street.

In the hall of the “prologue” that opens the permanent exhibition “Pushkin and his epoch”, will be a large painting from the collection of Lifar by an unknown artist of the beginning of XVIII century – the lifetime portrait of Tsar Peter I, where he is depicted in knight’s armor, a scarlet velvet Cape and a sash of the order of St. Of St. Andrew.

“Ballroom” hall will open another exhibit from the collection of Lifar – a portrait of F. G. Holthoer (Goldgeier) with his son Michael. In the years 1824-1840 Fedor (Friedrich August) became Holthoer was the Director of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, Pushkin familiar and inviting its honorary examiner at the Lyceum in 1831.

several interesting works from the collection Podstanitsky complement the story of the “southern link” by A. S. Pushkin. Special attention deserves the work of Nikanor Chernetsov “Pushkin in the yard of the Bakhchisarai Palace”, though, because the artist was personally acquainted with the poet. Here, in the Ballroom you will see two little known portraits of the work of V. A. Tropinin.

In the following, “Onegin” hall, viewers will meet a whole series of watercolor portraits by famous artists of that era – Alexander Briullov, Petra Sokolova, Vladimir Hau and others. Many of depicted in these portraits were not only contemporaries of Pushkin, but often, and his good friends.

the Corner lounge will present a unique collection of miniature portrait, very popular in the age of Pushkin genre painting. The portraits of contemporaries and contemporaries of A. S. Pushkin, with many of whom the poet was very familiar. As with authors, the most famous artists-portrait painters of the time: George Dow, Joseph Vivien, Peter Sokolov, the Salvatore tonchi, Thomas Wright, Charles Gampelen. Here visitors will be able�� to see portraits of women, admired and were inspired by Pushkin – a portrait of Princess Elizabeth Vorontsova Ksaverevny, Odessa friend of the poet, and two portraits (before and marriage) Elizabeth Ushakova. In one of the remaining albums Elizaveta Ushakova Pushkin filled in his notes and drawings 100 pages and wrote his “don Juan list”.

an Impressive gallery of portraits of Alexander I, Nicholas I and members of the Imperial family brush V. Sadovnikov, A. Ladurner, L., Kiel, K. Gampeln, as well as the legendary dishes of Russian porcelain production in the first half of the nineteenth century will unfold in the halls of “Recent years” and “Age”.

a Nice bonus for fans of painting will be another exhibition project associated with a private collection Podstanitsky, which will be held on Prechistenka in parallel with the “Pushkiniana”. This exhibition, which Tatiana and Sergey called “House of the collector”, located in the space of the “Garden pavilion” GMF, located in the Manor garden. The public will be able to meet with several curious and rare paintings and graficheskih works and sculptures of the XIX-XX century from the family collections.

Here you can see the work is little known to a wide circle of brilliant Russian impressionist Elena Kisseleva portrait of her mother. Or, for example, landscape “Troika”, the painter of battle scenes J. E. Horace Vernet, the son and apprentice of the famous French painter Carl Vernet. A “Portrait of horse of the officer in the Retinue of His Imperial Majesty,” written in 1849, Russian, German origin, artist-painter Alexander Schwab (Johann Gottlieb) will inevitably cause a kind smile from the audience.

He Manor garden, which is considered one of the most beautiful historical gardens chamber of Moscow, in the exhibition opening day, July 21, will receive a unique gift – 89 rose bushes or “Metaphorical roses,” as they called the giver – Lyudmila Izukova, the owner of the Moscow cattery “Gardenklad”.

Metaphorical plants are widely used in poetry. Pushkin, too, was fond of floral symbolism. Alexander Sergeevich loved flowers, knew how to listen and understand their secret meaning.

Connoisseurs of the poet even estimate how many times he uses the name of a flower. Won the “Queen of flowers” – 89 times, according to experts referred to “rose” in the Pushkin poem. The flower that Pushkin is not accidental allegory, and a poetic image, and symbolizing poetry and beauty of women, love, youth, joy of life and the sadness of a short earthly journey. Therefore, 89 roses of elite sorts, symbolizing the beauty, the harmony, the colours and the metaphor of Pushkin’s poetry, will appear in the garden Manor on Prechistenka, 12.