In the USSR, thousands of children and teenagers aged five to 15 years called themselves naturalists — young naturalists. Biological station and the mugs, which were brought up, including future biologists, operated throughout the country. Moscow was on the front lines — first work with the younger generation began the staff of the biological station in the Park “Sokolniki”.

what began yunnatskih movement in Russia who stood at its origins and what does Nikolai Drozdov, — in joint material and the Agency “Moscow”.

on 15 June 1918 in the Northern part of Sokolniki Park, on the border with Elk island, opened the country’s first Station of young nature lovers (now Federal children’s ecological and biological center). The initiators were the pediatrician, Chairman of the Soviet of workers ‘ deputies Sokolniki district, revolutionary Ivan Rusakov and teacher-biologist Boris all saints, for many years head of the biological station.

Yunnatskih movement was created in difficult times for emerging Countries Advice time: the Civil war, hunger, the increasing number of street children. In pre-revolutionary Russia there were no organizations or institutions which could give kids and teenagers the interest and love of nature. The first such place was the Station of young nature lovers in Sokolniki. That’s what a Billboard the station has announced the recruitment of trainees:

On the idea of the founders of the station, the young apprentices had to go all the way from contemplation of nature to the love of caring for plants and animals. They put the simplest of the experiments under the guidance of the mentors, worked hard, studied the scientific literature, performed socially useful work, and also led the promotion of knowledge among students.

the Leaders of the first biological station of young naturalists, among other things, saw its goal training to agricultural, biological, and pedagogical universities. However, it was assumed that the knowledge gained will be useful in each of the naturalists, regardless of what profession he will choose.

for the first time biological station attracted the attention of excursions for children, working youth, teachers and educators of children’s homes. Scientists-enthusiasts acquainted people with the natural world in the nursery and on the waters. The main topics of the tours were “Life birds”, “Flowering plants”, “the Life of social insects (bees, ants)”. Collected during the excursions, insects, and plants kids took to create in schools and orphanages corners of nature.

Gradually on the station formed a group of interns from children and teenagers who performed daily surveillance and care for birds, insects, inhabitants of aquariums and plants.

the composition of the interns postiano been changed, so to build a clear systematic work was impossible. Thus was born the idea to create a summer colony for young nature lovers. The initiative was supported by the Soviet of workers ‘ deputies Sokolniki district, and in the winter of 1919 working at the station in the summer the children chose the first naturalists in the age of 10-15 years, the most interested in nature. The long-awaited opening took place on 7 April 1919.

Among the first naturalists were many orphans and children whose parents could not support them. The station became their home and has given many people a start in life. According to the memoirs of the first naturalists, conditions are not much different from the orphanage, but the children were involved in research activities.

the Guys were doing the rounds of neighborhoods, watching the life of plants and animals, and data is recorded in a special diary. So it looks observations:

Over time, the naturalists were divided by interests, so there were four circles: nerds, who were called gardeners, ornithologists (bird houses), entomologists (naselnikov) and hydrobiologists (the water scavenger beetles).

the Children were arranged live corners and completely took over the care of flora and fauna. With the inception of the colonies they were actively engaged in agricultural work — planting vegetables, flowers and trees, filled a greenhouse with manure, worked in the gardens and in the gardens of the biological station.

And they’ve thought a lot about how to be a young naturalist before him, and what must be the problem. Speculation became the commandments of the young naturalist, which the children have recorded themselves. The commandments were as follows:

note: do not perform these commandments-rules may not consider himself a naturalist.

in the Autumn of the same year it was decided to open a year-round school-the colony, which was officially launched in October. The children were divided into high and low groups depending on the level of knowledge. Classes are conducted by research assistants who worked on the station. In addition to natural science, children studied mathematics, native language, literary reading, hygiene and more.

he Took to school-a colony with a trial period, during which children had the opportunity to review all aspects of the life companies. The main condition of interest in nature. All Banovci — so the students of the biological station of young naturalists, called themselves — were equal. None of them had personal things all had in common, with the exception of underwear.

In 1923 founded a Komsomol cell, and the young naturalists began to actively participate in the life not only of his native city, but also the country. Banovci organized local celebrations, organized work in school garden plots, went in the expedition to all regions of the Soviet Union.

On the activities and achievements buravtsev wrote Newspapers�� “Moskovsky Komsomolets”, “true pioneer” and “Young Leninist.” Children from across the country sent the station a letter in which they shared their successes and observations of wildlife, descriptions of the live corners in their schools and orphanages. The correspondence came so much that the Director of the biological station of all saints Boris had the idea of creating your own publications — so in July 1928 the first issue of the well-known magazine “Young naturalist”, which is released today.

the Idea of creating clubs for young nature lovers was gradually picked up by other scientists. In 1923, an outstanding naturalist, ornithologist and teacher Petr Smolin opened its first circle of young naturalists at the Moscow Zoological garden. At that time the Director of the zoo was the founder of the Darwin Museum Alexander Fedorovich Kots.

In 1924 at the zoo changed direction, and Peter was forced to resign. In the same year on the basis of its circle was organized the CIRCLE — the circle of young biologists of the zoo, which still exists today.

Smolin has moved to biological station “Sokolniki”, and with it — and most of his disciples. The technique of his work was in many ways similar to the principles burovtsev. Peter talked about his tactics of teaching as follows: “the Book of knowledge little less, nature more, not forgetting the connection with modernity. We don’t know what knowledge will be useful in life, so I prefer not to accumulate knowledge, and to improve ways of acquiring knowledge. And nature provides in this respect a number of successful examples.”

Under his leadership, the biological station was invented a citywide holidays bird Day and forest Day. Scientist contributed to the popularization of banding birds, as well as comprehensive study in the field of ornithology.

After the station “Sokolniki” Smolin worked at several stations in different parts of the Soviet Union until 1939, Alexander Kots was not invited naturalists to the Darwin Museum for the position of tour guide. In parallel with the work in the Museum Smolin gave lessons to children in different Moscow biological circles.

In the late 1949 — early 1950, Peter has created a Junior section at the all-Russian society of nature protection. Soon it was transformed into the biological club at the Darwin Museum, but the club have kept the self-VOOP. Weaponry engaged in independent work in the reserves and expeditions, prepared for Union of biological Olympiads of schoolchildren. The rate of successful outcomes in the circle were considered including the receipt of naturalists in higher education, especially at the biological faculty of Moscow state University named after M. V. Lomonosov.

Peter Smolin did not in 1975. Many of his students connected the life with science — a few dozen people gotand the degree of doctors of Sciences, more than a hundred people have become candidates of Sciences and assistant professors. One of the disciples Peter Petrovich was a famous scientist-zoologist, broadcaster and popularizer of science Nikolay Drozdov.

Created by Smolin circle VOOP at the Darwin Museum and today continues to accept children and adolescents into their ranks. Today in VOOP are kids who love nature, from the fifth grade of secondary school. Classes will start in September — at the first meeting, all talk about their summer travel associated with field research. Throughout September, the newcomers are considered. To enter the ranks of ooovav they can after the interview, which we need to prove that a month spent in the company of naturalists and leaders passed them to good use.

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Jennifer Alvarez is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.