Inspector General Eberhard Zorn says he has only received requests for artillery from Ukraine, not for Bundeswehr tanks. “The Ukrainians explicitly demanded artillery from us,” Zorn told the “Bild am Sonntag”.

“I currently have no other demands on my table from the Ukrainian government that affect the existence of the Bundeswehr.”

During the Ukraine summit at the US Ramstein Air Force base in Rhineland-Palatinate, Kyiv reaffirmed the need for artillery pieces. Because the Dutch had promised five self-propelled howitzers in 2000 and a tactically deployable fire unit requires around a dozen systems, Germany will complete the dozen, Zorn emphasized.

“The seven systems are currently at the industry for maintenance and will be handed over to the Ukrainians upon completion. Our obligations to NATO are not affected by this,” said the Inspector General.

Zorn did not want to generally rule out further deliveries of heavy weapons from Bundeswehr stocks to Ukraine: “If I say no now, then maybe everything will be different again in 14 days.” Scope. All arms deliveries are coordinated with our NATO partners, together we ensure a steady supply.”

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