Felting broke into her life rapidly as the fast train. The comparison is quite appropriate, because Olga ten years has worked as a conductor. And once received from the chief task – to complement the rail form a black beret on the season. So, with “pimpochki” smiles Olga.

was I in store black fur. Find a tutorial on wet felting in the Network and managed in half a day. Colleagues were surprised: “that can’t be!”

Even as it may, it is to want and enable creative thinking. Physical strength for fuller, too not the last thing, says Olga.

For one product to wash a pair of rubber gloves. Coarse hair need to touch, to wash, to comb, to put lush bubbles, so went the villus to the villus. Main tools – cally, rolling pins, vintage rubel, water, soap, tape, calculator, paper and pen. No calculations can, because you need to know the possible shrinkage.

as I remember, Olga was a seamstress. Grandmother is beautifully embroidered, and mom was in school a circle “Skillful hands”. After graduation went to the school of light industry in Vitebsk, then worked in a sewing factory, but because of problems with housing returned to Liozno.

the craft House Olga the fourth year. Has been creating traditional folk costumes, and even leads the group felting “of Sherstyanik”. The original name is a mix of “wool” and “strawberry”. Juicy berry – brand of the region and one of the favorite subjects of masters. Her zemlyanichka “burn” delicate brooches that turn into toys, trinkets and even pictures. Wool painting is a separate topic that Olga Giovana not mastered in one month. Now happy to teach it to others. Such pictures – the first thing that children try to circle (to understand art). Looking at the soft and very comfortable product, I wonder “Felting anyone can do that?” If you wish quite. This winter, classes have arrived “foreign” student – Kirill Bogomolov, a farmer in the Smolensk region. Together with his family he lives in the border area of Rudnya and Liozno a frequent guest. The announcement of a mug of felting saw the accident and stopped at the light. Tried fooling himself and mastered the basics, and has presented the House of crafts the big bag of wool from their own sheep. Long enough, said Olga Giovana:

– a Home fur now rare, equal to the Golden fleece. Use it only for authentic things. For the rest, take the store.

In an exhibition hall suitable for such works with the story. Hats magerko and earflaps, scarves and scrolls beautiful, warm and quite wearable. About magerko said that you can remove it in only two cases, laughs, intriguing companion:

– …Before bedtime and pan. But this felt women’s coat with side wedges, we periodically want to buy. The collar she has no fur, and fancy. Design pridumali themselves. Very soon, – said the head of the branch House of crafts Inessa Samusenko, – will be a new collection of winter traditional clothes. It will be milled and manually men’s hats from Giovani. Creativity is guaranteed.

to Promote a product helps the Internet, and even creative approach. How not to smile, pressing click when you see the hashtag #christinamodel?.. On felted hats and mittens, scarves and baktus, bags and beads the demand is there. Of course, among the Russians, too.

Olga Giovana writes beautiful poetry. She is a participant and winner of many competitions, including the Russian. Collection “Embracing the sky” Olga has dedicated to his father, Nikolay Aleksandrovich and his dream is to become a pilot.