National treason it is time to eliminate Lenin from the Pantheon of Russian heroes

Approaching the topic. Our people are disunited as any people in the world! Foreigners call us “Russians”, but we still are unable to take a single and common name-the name. “Russians,” “Lord,” “compatriots,”… For someone still “friends” – all have either been rejected or is still pending. There are many reasons, call one of them.

as though we are missing or rather, we are not allowed to declare and make rallying what we really have in common. Smile (that we have not only not ridiculed!) – no braces, no common values, or else – civil (not public and only correct) ideology, is not what the Bolsheviks called the Russian now should have been called the Russian idea. More specifically, the idea of the Russian science has revealed, but its content is not allowed to be made public consciousness. The key to integrating any people the word – patriotism – we have two completely different meanings. This is because, in a normally arranged by States, the government performs the will of the people, and we all turned on its head, and the people must do the will of power. Hence, two different understanding of patriotism, one of the Soviet-servile – like absolute obedience tops, as the desire to cling to the boots once the head, the other pochvennicheskaya, Russian, now it is in the experience and responsibility for the tragic fate of their land, language, people, culture, its history and country.

Another reason why most important for all people notions we have it’s confusing, associated with the first and is its continuation. The fact that many personalities, events, values, which the authorities are trying to enter into the Pantheon nacionalnih relics, are incompatible and mutually exclusive. The problem of mismatch is especially acute in times of crisis and force majeure, when the most popular are agreed between the trust and rallying around common ideas and leaders, and those leaders there.

What exactly is incompatible? Like any nation, we are – in words – do not tolerate betrayal. And what happens in practice? Constantly rewriting the official concept of Russian civilization argues that our 11-century history single and continuous. And officially revered – and yet again – Alexander Solzhenitsyn argued that the Soviet Union is the killer of historical Russia. So who is right?

From the time of Gorbachev’s Perestroika thin stream makes its way to us before taiwaneese truth about our past. Matching a previously unknown, we have texts and documents that was already familiar, you can restore an authentic picture of the emergence of the Soviet state.

After the start of the First World war, Vladimir Lenin openly spoke of “the defeat of your rulesElista in the war.” Later, he also openly advocated the transformation of “the imperialist war into a civil war.” To implement the “plan of Lenin,” the war with Russia the Kaiser of Germany helped his team to freely pass from Switzerland to Petrograd through Germany (via Russia’s ally France Lenin to go is not decided).

the implementation of the plan Lenin could not occur without substantial funding. Matching funds from February 1915 to early 1918, the Bolsheviks received from the German foreign office and other German government agencies. The total amount of transfers amounted to 60 million doychemarok. (Lenin received from Berlin, and the Russian money, but they, unlike German, was a fake). To deliver these funds were established circuit: the German authorities – the Russian emigrant Parvus – Russian courier hanecki (he came to Russia from Germany via Stockholm) – Lenin.

large-Scale German funding was supported by the consent of Lenin to carry out, on his return to Petrograd, the duties of the head of the German spy residency.

the Ideas of Lenin was left with a stream of declarations, they turned into concrete action. 3 – 5 July 1917, the Bolsheviks organized in Petrograd performance of the group of Baltic sailors to overthrow the Provisional government. In those days, in agreement with Lenin, the German troops launched an offensive on the Russian front. “The July rebellion” ended in failure, not having received the support of the Petrograd. Against the organizers was prosecuted, but Lenin had to leave Petrograd and fled in Finland. Despite the “July fail”, the German authorities were satisfied with the work of Lenin, and continued to Finance it, making a bet on it.

Analyzing the course of hostilities in the spring and in the autumn of 1917, many authors rightly point to the difficulties and problems encountered in the Russian army. However, the official Russian historians do not consider the state in which the troops of the Central powers. Their position and, especially, Austro-Hungary, became critical. Slavs – Czechs, Croats, Slovaks, formed the majority fell under Brusilov offensive of the Austrian army, to fight against a revolutionary Russia could not and did not want.

the Government in Vienna is sent to the head of the Provisional government Alexander Kerensky secret message with a proposal to meet in Lodz on 26 October and to sign the agreement on withdrawal from the war. Another 10 days to get out of the war prepared Bulgaria. The war ended with the victory of Russia and of the Entente. But about the secret plans of their allies became known to Berlin, which demanded that Lenin’s urgent action. Shouting “he who hesitates is lost”, Lenin and Trotsky instructed Antonov-Ovseyenko and the semi��iscome to organize the arrest of the Provisional government. “The task of the party”, although at the last moment, but was still satisfied. The coup took place on October 25 and 26th so-called “second Congress of the Soviets” adopted the Decree on peace – that is, declared the surrender of the Russian armies of the Central powers.

the Arguments and sources. Above – a quick squeeze of witnesses, documents, memoirs, described making a timeline of events credible and indisputable. In addition to known articles of Lenin, I will refer to some publications, first in Russia, not published, and yet remaining unnoticed by most researchers.

Alexander Kerensky. Lost Russia, Novelist. 2014, M., 508 S. and a number of interview by A. Kerensky.

S. P. Melgunov. “The German Golden key” to the Bolshevik revolution. Ayris-press, Moscow, 2007, p. 634.

Z. Zeman (Z. A. B. Zeman). Germany and revolution in Russia 1915 – 1918, London, 1958. (in English. lang.). (This book is a collection of documents, waiting for its translation and publication in Russian).

Insights and proposals. Presents a chronicle of events leads to the unequivocal conclusion – the legal assessment of the actions of Lenin, as the criminal code have not measured up or poslefevralskaya, or current – has a definite qualification: it is a national treason. That’s the way it was described by the President Vladimir Putin, speaking in June 2012 in the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. “The defeat of Russia in the First World war is an act of national betrayal”, – said the President.

To this we make a brief but important addition. Violating Russian laws, norms and traditions, Lenin was the founder of the Soviet (quasi -) state, declared the goal of socialism and communism. In the “kapstroitelstvo” millions of Russians were declared enemies of the people. In the country were deployed to mass repression, proved meaningless, as the USSR and Communist mythology collapsed in 1991. History has proven the tragic absurdity of the “Leninist”project.

But we still haven’t learned from our past! As the unconnected healthy and ill, truth and lies, “plus” and “minus”, so irreconcilable Soviet and Russian, creative and destructive, lennina and dedicated it to the Russian civilization.

Lost century, our country still has a chance to exit from crisis and Revival. If every project starts with the right plan if “in the beginning was the word”, and the idea of the new Russia could not connect incompatible beginning. The salvation of the country begins with a spiritual and ideological purification. We need to get rid of the Leninist-Bolshevik names, from Lenin monuments and museums, it is necessary finally to remove the mausoleum, forever excluding Lenin from the Pantheon of Russian heroes. Our country must not stagnate, we cannot prevent a new collapse of Russia, we need to��return to history and take their rightful place!

see also: it’s time to bear the unbearable. Lenin from the Mausoleum