Kanye West

the 43-year-old Kanye West has applied to participate in the presidential elections is confirmed, the corresponding Form No. 1, published on the website of the Federal election Commission of America. This document indicates that her husband Kim Kardashian will run from the Committee under the name “Kanye-2020”.

the party rapper will be called the BDY, which stands for “party birthday”. Previously, Kanye explained that his winning the election is accepted as a universal birthday.

Kanye West

it is Noteworthy that since applying, Kanye literally jumped into the last car. West was registered by the candidate in presidents of the United States yesterday in Oklahoma, where on July 15 was the deadline for filing. In other States Kanye the time missed.

Recall that Kanye West announced his intention to run for presidency the 4th of July, independence Day USA.

Kanye West and Kim Kardashian

Now we need to implement the hopes of America, trusting God, uniting our vision and building our future. I’m running for President of the United States,

— written by the rapper on his Twitter page.

Many celebrities have supported the desire of Kanye West to participate in the elections, among them was Elon Musk, Paris Hilton, piers Morgan and many others. Approved the decision of the wife and Kim Kardashian. She admitted that Kanye wanted to run for the presidency for many years and have always been very passionate about politics.