Funded pensions of Russians this year will increase by 9.13%. Recalculation will be done pizzaville from August 1 and will affect pension 80,000.

the boost Factor determined as a result of results of investment of pension savings by the end of 2019, which is three times higher than the rate of inflation (3%), according to the website of the pension Fund.

would also Increase payments to participants of the program of co-financing pension savings. They generated funds are paid not funded pension and term pension payments during the period, which defines the man himself. Receive a pension of 32,000 pensioners, they will increase by 7.99%.

the Cost of the proposed allocation will reach 1.87 billion. Of them of 1.53 billion allowed for the rise of funded pensions and 343 million roubles on increase of payments to participants of the program of pension co-financing.

the Average size of funded pension is now 956 rubles per month, said pension Fund. The average size of pension payments under the program of pension co-financing is 1705 rubles a month. Both types of pension are appointed in the borders of the former retirement age: women 55 years, men 60 years of age or before this age if you have the right of early retirement.