Some of the symptoms that appear after a mosquito bite can pose a serious health threat and require rapid medical care.

A simple mosquito bite, in some cases, can cause clouding of consciousness and severe shock. About the little-known effects of insect bites said the doctor, Larisa Alekseeva.

According to the specialist, individual reaction to a mosquito bite because of the special sensitivity can be quite dangerous and require treatment to the doctor.

The area itself is damage to the skin may swell and blisters. In this response to the bite you should take an antihistamine first-generation and call for an Ambulance.

“Sometimes it can develop into anaphylactic shock,” – quotes the doctor radio Sputnik.

Shock reaction may occur, for example, the bite to the eyelid or eye. Its symptoms are weakness, swelling, shortness of breath and clouding of consciousness, separately or together.

However, as noted by Alekseev, often mosquito bites almost not dangerous for health and require basic treatment or, if visible redness and itching, cold compress.