the Idea behind the video is that children will learn to listen to kven. I am showing what we should do, but speak never English. The Norwegian hints/texts are more intended for adults. A feedback I got after the last video was that some children were convinced that they could also kven. They could follow the video and understood what had to be done. And it had to mean that they could kven, says Katriina Pedersen happy.

She works in the Kvænangen language centre, where she leads the work for the current bit. It is a task that she thrives very well. Here she used both the language skills and their creativity.

Watch the film here:

tags the gardens

most have well a little extra toilet paper at home in these koronatidene. Påskeblomstene or “kvenrosene” is created namely by dopapirruller. Basically one needs to have only scissors, dopapirruller, lace/ribbon and glue. If you have paint, markers and beads, you can decorate blomsteren extra.

A simple påskepynt made of it we all guaranteed to have in the house.

Photo: Katriina Pedersen / Naavuonon kielikeskus

We here in the national Kven-editorial board welcomes your photos of påskepynt you make at home. Please feel free to bring pictures of påskepynten and send to us by email. So we put the pictures out on nrk.en/kven”.

Read also this : Finally found Kvænangen a kven language consultant

New læremetoder fenger

– Now I have worked here a year and two months. My students like that they make has a real purpose. Finnish and kven pupils were tasked to create movies to 16. march event in Kvænangen (Naavuono). By the fact that they made the films we released to be on all had the opportunity to set up on the actual event. This proved to be kjempelurt when the event had to be changed to a digital celebration because of the korona. We could still use the films and published some of them on the internet, ” says Pedersen.

Read also this : A different celebration of Kvenfolkets day

the Method that is used in elevarbeidene is stop-motion. The students have taken photos that play one after the other, so that there is movement.

– It is a great way to understand animation and film. Students ‘ work was assessed by both written, oral and cultural goals. The focus was on all the time on the process and not the finished result, but I must say that the result was awesome!

Here you can see some student work that is created by the students in Kvænangen.

Hyvvää pääsiäistä! the Talvi (winter) Manalaiset (THE underground) Kväänipuku (Kvendrakten)